Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Jata Parayanam@Sri Avudayar Kovil for Periyava Aradhana
Important appeal – Jata Parayanam@Sri Avudayar Kovil for Periyava Aradhana – Must-read
9 Votes
Periyava had always chosen simple, unassuming people to do bigger tasks. There are so many in the list. I consider it as a honor to write about Shri Ravi (a.k.a “Athirudram” Ravi). A school teacher in Srirangam, a bachelor, comes from a middle-class brahmin family like all of us, has been picked by periyava to do great things. His father retired from BHEL Trichy sometime back and settled in Srirangam. I had a great opportunity to meet Ravi and eat at his place too when I was in India last time!
It seems that several years back when Ravi was at a Dakshinamurthy temple, he saw a vision of Mahaperiyava in the sanctum. Ever since, he has been carrying out some of the impossible tasks for several years. With the blessings of Periyava, Ravi has been conducting Athirudrams in several of divya kshetrams of Mahaperiyava (in several adishtanams etc) for Jayanthi/Aradhana. So far he has completed 16 athirudrams and 11 jataparayanams!!!. Each run into several lakhs and myriad of complexities in organizing a vedic function like this. With Periyava’s grace, he was able to do this with ease. All these events are blessed by HH Pudhu Periyava and Bala Periyava. As we all know, Pudhu Periyava, despite his health, traveled to almost all of the athirudrams/jataparayanam that Ravi had conducted and blessed the event.
This time he is doing a jataparayanam in Sri Avudayar kovil. Mahaperiyava had talked in length about the greatness of this kshetram. Read the article below to know more details.
Since last two major events, Ravi has been struggling to get enough sponsors. While he leaves it to Periyava to manage, it is our responsibility to shoulder Ravi in whatever way possible in such a noble task. Ravi made a request to see if we can some how support at least the ritwik sambhavanai (Rs 17,000/ritwik) – we have a total of nearly 35 ritwiks. I sincerely request all of our readers to support Ravi AND attend this great event.
Shri Ravi can be contacted at 9443733573 / shankarakaingaryam@yahoo.com.
I pray our Periyava and Yogambaal sametha Athmanathaswamy to successfully conduct this event.
Om Namah Shivaya!

Shri GuruhyoNamah:
FROM 8.12.2014 TO 18.12.2014 (MAHAPERIYAVA aradhanai day)
takes pleasure in announcing to all devotees, and aasthika friends about
the series of JataaParayanam (ஜடை பாராயணம்) being organized and
performed at select temples of South India.
The above Sanskrit verse highlights the importance and significance
of Jataaparayanam in particular. JatayantuSahasrakam” –
(जटायान्थुसहस्रकम्) goes to extol that JataParayanam, whenever
performed, is equivalent to Thousand Vedic sacred acts performed
together. To help our community reap the innumerable benefits such a
sacred act brings about, performance of “Jataaparayanam” at select
ancient temples of South India, is being organized. The chosen temples
are both unique in their own historic significance and also share many
common features amongst them; apart from being built on sprawling
campuses, replete with four majestic tall raja Gopurams,
it is also believed that these temples of yore have not had a regular
consecration ceremony for a very long time owing to some reason or the
other. It is for such reasons that performance of JataParayanam has been
prescribed at such of these temples by the divine will of the
Paramaachaarya.Coinciding with the occasion of Sri Sri Sri Maha Periyavaa’s Aradanai celebrations this year, falling on 18thDec-2014 and with the divine blessings of Sri KanchiKamakotiPeetam, it is proposed to conduct
at the famous Shiva sthalam Thiruperunthurai (திருப்பெருந்துறை) -more popularly known as Avudayarkoil, located 14 km southeast of Aranthangi, in Pudukkottai district, Tamilnadu.
It is in this humble town that Saint Manickkavasakar was lived some 1200 years ago. In fact, though the presiding deities of the temple are known and worshiped as Lord Athmanathaswamy and Goddess Yogambaal, there are no idols for the deities; this depicts and emphasizes the formlessness (Aruvam – அருவம் ) of the cosmic supremacy; nor there is Nandi or Navagrahams in this temple unlike most Shiva temples. The Utsavamurthy idol also that of Saint Manickkavasakar’s only, which receives all standard temple protocol respects as well as taken around the temple in ceremonial procession.
It may also be interesting to note that Sri Sri Sri MahaPeriyava has stayed in this kshetram, observing his Chathurmasyavratham– performing Chandramouleeswararpoojai under the same kurundai tree in the year 1934 under which Saint Manickkavasakar sang his famous Siva Puranam, forming the first part of Thiruvaasakam.
On 12thDec-2014, on the occasion of Karthigai Magham – birthstar of Saint Manickkavasakar- chanting of the entire Thiruvasagam, popularly referred to as “Thiruvaasagam Mutrothal” (திருவாசகமுற்றோதுதல்) is planned. On this day as well as on 18.12.2014, the day of Sri Sri Sri Mahaperiyava Aradhanai, there will be public Samaaradhanai bhojanam for all participating devotees.
The proposed JataaParayanam is being organized over eleven days, when nearly 35 rithwiks will perform and participate in the chanting and homam. Approximate expenses for the above Jataparayanam is estimated around Rs. 10 Lakhs. This would cover major expenses of dravyam for japa, parayana, homam, rithwik sambhavanai and bhojanam. Ritwik sabhavanai itself is estimated around 5.9 lakhs (Rs 17,000 / ritwik).
All are requested to benefit from the above divine endeavor by personally participating in these events; all are also requested to support the cause by liberally donating, contributing in cash and/or kind. The above fete is conducted essentially using voluntary donations and contributions of individual aasthikaas and not on any institutional sponsorship.
For further information please contact :
- Sree Chandra Sekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal Kaingarya Trust,
- DAF/4, Bharat plaza, Moolathoppu,
- Melur Road, Srirangam,
- Trichy -620006.
- Contact: Sri. T.K.Vaidhyanathan, Ph: 0431-2434553 and Sri. Ravi. 9443733573
- Name : Sree Chandra Sekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal Kaingarya Trust,
- SB a/c No: 115001000358340
- Bank : City Union Bank Srirangam Branch, Trichy 06
- IFSC no : CIUB0000115.
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Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Thiruvisanallur thivyananam- .
Thiruvisanallur thivyananam- vasanthotsavam . 65 mts.
http://www.veoh.com/watch/v71822536mAm6sz8Y-201 mts bajan
Saturday, October 18, 2014
2014 tiruvisalur sri gangavatharana mahotsavam invitation
2014 tiruvisalur sri gangavatharana mahotsavam invitation
click the link to get the invitation
click the link to get the invitation
Sunday, October 12, 2014
kovai Jayaraman bagavatar at chidambaram 11 10 14
http://youtu.be/n69a0hkj4RQ-3 mts video
2http://youtu.be/5Fzo53YBrno- 3 mts
http://youtu.be/gtr-CD7uch8-3 mts
http://youtu.be/aZ1ZFcb6cbk-6 mts
http://youtu.be/-Q2hHnRaA50-18 mts video
http://youtu.be/i2PAOiX9yQ0-12 mts video
http://youtu.be/3nJTSunaIlc-21mts video
http://youtu.be/hWrKa7JmwBE-104 mts video
http://youtu.be/aZICgOoqzzs-22 mts video
http://youtu.be/byX82TTNQkw-28 mts video
http://youtu.be/SDxjmwTKWfs-38 mts video
Friday, October 10, 2014
9 10 2014 to 12 10 14 Yajurvedam- Maithirayani saka-at nerur
வரலற்றில் முதல் முறையாக ;தற்போது நடைமுறையில் உள்ள சதுர்வேதங்களின் 11 ஸாகா பாராயணம்.
08 07 2014 to 10 03 2015
ஸதாசிவ ப்ரமேந்திராள் அதிஸ்டானம் நெருர்
Vedokilo dharma moolam
Respected Astika bhandus
Pranams. This Jaya varsha is a golden year which marked the 100th year of Aradhana of Sadguru Sadasiva Bhramendral on 9th May 2014. To highlighten the celebrations ,with the divine blessings of Anaanthasri Vibhushita Mahaswamigal of Sringeri Peetam Shri Bharathi Theertha Swamigal and under the guiadance of Shri Vidya Shankara Saraswathy Swamigal of Sri vidya Narasimha Asramam of Nerur, a Sampoorna Chaturveda parayana was conducted in grand manner from 4th May 2014 to 8th May 2014.
In continuation to this, for the first time in the history, monthly parayanam of prevailing 11 SAKHAS of Chathurvedas is being organised under the roof of Adhistanam of Sadgru ,commencing from 8th July 2014 to 10th March 2015. The first Chathurveda Sakha Parayanam commenced as per Kerala Namboothiri Padhathi.
Further we are blessed by Sri Sri Sri Kanchi Kamakoto Peethathipathi Sankaracharya for the successful conduct of this Parayana and also provide accommodation to the veda pandits of Nerur.
This is one more golden opportunity in life. All yaga bandhus are humbly requested to participate and extend their cooperation to make this divine Yagna Mahotsavam a great success and enjoy the blessings of Sadguru. A detailed programme is given below.
An amount of Rs. 42000/- per month is required to meet the expenses for the vedaparayana. Those who wish to sponsor fully or partially can transfer the amount or send a DD or cheque to the following bank account in the name of
G.D.Annapurani ,SB A/c No. 1143155000029046
of Karur Vysya Bank, Karur Central, IFSC code KVBL0001143
Address for correspondence
Dr.S.N.Suresh,Sri Venkatramana Vaidyasali,30 South Madavalagam street, Karur 639 001. Mobile 0 94431 65456
R.Venkiteswaran 0 94470 62035
04 9 14 to 08 09 14 Krishna yajur vedam -Thaithria saka
9 10 2014 to 13 10 14 Yajurvedam- Maithirayani saka
http://youtu.be/uWL50Qcg2To-53 seconds parayanam on 11 10 14 -17-00 hrs. at nerur
2http://youtu.be/JygDVoyywFM- 8 mts
http://youtu.be/g6QfFR6dBvA-11 mts parayanam
வரலற்றில் முதல் முறையாக ;தற்போது நடைமுறையில் உள்ள சதுர்வேதங்களின் 11 ஸாகா பாராயணம்.
08 07 2014 to 10 03 2015
ஸதாசிவ ப்ரமேந்திராள் அதிஸ்டானம் நெருர்
Vedokilo dharma moolam
Respected Astika bhandus
Pranams. This Jaya varsha is a golden year which marked the 100th year of Aradhana of Sadguru Sadasiva Bhramendral on 9th May 2014. To highlighten the celebrations ,with the divine blessings of Anaanthasri Vibhushita Mahaswamigal of Sringeri Peetam Shri Bharathi Theertha Swamigal and under the guiadance of Shri Vidya Shankara Saraswathy Swamigal of Sri vidya Narasimha Asramam of Nerur, a Sampoorna Chaturveda parayana was conducted in grand manner from 4th May 2014 to 8th May 2014.
In continuation to this, for the first time in the history, monthly parayanam of prevailing 11 SAKHAS of Chathurvedas is being organised under the roof of Adhistanam of Sadgru ,commencing from 8th July 2014 to 10th March 2015. The first Chathurveda Sakha Parayanam commenced as per Kerala Namboothiri Padhathi.
Further we are blessed by Sri Sri Sri Kanchi Kamakoto Peethathipathi Sankaracharya for the successful conduct of this Parayana and also provide accommodation to the veda pandits of Nerur.
This is one more golden opportunity in life. All yaga bandhus are humbly requested to participate and extend their cooperation to make this divine Yagna Mahotsavam a great success and enjoy the blessings of Sadguru. A detailed programme is given below.
An amount of Rs. 42000/- per month is required to meet the expenses for the vedaparayana. Those who wish to sponsor fully or partially can transfer the amount or send a DD or cheque to the following bank account in the name of
G.D.Annapurani ,SB A/c No. 1143155000029046
of Karur Vysya Bank, Karur Central, IFSC code KVBL0001143
Address for correspondence
Dr.S.N.Suresh,Sri Venkatramana Vaidyasali,30 South Madavalagam street, Karur 639 001. Mobile 0 94431 65456
R.Venkiteswaran 0 94470 62035
04 9 14 to 08 09 14 Krishna yajur vedam -Thaithria saka
9 10 2014 to 13 10 14 Yajurvedam- Maithirayani saka
http://youtu.be/uWL50Qcg2To-53 seconds parayanam on 11 10 14 -17-00 hrs. at nerur
2http://youtu.be/JygDVoyywFM- 8 mts
http://youtu.be/g6QfFR6dBvA-11 mts parayanam
Saturday, October 4, 2014
3rd avittam functions at puducherry
Sri Jagadguru Sadabhishegam celebrations 2014-15-Third avittam functions
-Puducherry Kurinji nagar Shri Gnana Vinayagar temple 05 10 14
6 am homams
7 am Paudgai pooja
8 am Rohini Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam
Bhikshavandanam to Periyava at 12 noon
Evening 6 pm at Ponnumariamman temple,Muthialpet
All are cordially invited to take part and get the blessings of the acharyals
For details pl.contact 94888 41104
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