Post : Aadum Chidambaramo…
Posted : December 8, 2013 at 5:06 pm
Author : Maha Periyava Devotee
An Account of the visit of Maha Periyava to Chidambaram Sri Nataraja Temple in 1933 and 1939...
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Chidamabaram was one of the pancha bhootha kshetram, the Akasha (space) Kshetram. Amongst the innumerable devotees who desired to bring Maha Periyava to their towns, the noteable ones are Mahamahopadhyay Dhandapani Swamy Dikshithar – belonging to the illustrious and devoted sect of Dikshithars, and Mahamahopadhyay Dakshinatya Kalanidhi U.V.Swaminatha Iyer. Raja Sir Annamalai Chettiar had also been persuading our Maha Periyavato visit Chidambaram. The Dikshithars and other citizens of Chidambaram requested Swamigal to visit after the completion of Sankara Jayanthi. Swamigal accepted the invitation of the Dishithars and agreed to come. The residents of the city had made arrangements for a welcome that is suitable for a Kanchi Acharya who was coming to their town for the first time. The Dikshithar community along with the general public gathered in the outskirts of the town on May 18th, 1933 (Fifth day of the lunar month of Vaikasi) and welcomed Swamigal with purna Kumbam, Veda Gosham, Bhajan groups, Nadaswaram and melam. They took him on a procession around the four Ratha Streets. Thousands of people had darshan of Swamigal and obtained his blessings.
Letter of the Secretary of the Podu Deekshitars, Sri Sabhanayakar Temple, Chidambaram
Click on the images below to enlarge & read an archive dated Dec 16th 1954
Courtesy: http://sankaramathas.blogspot.
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