of the speech of Shri Swaminathan in ZEE TV on 02 01 14 - 8-10
am. Text is somewhat nearer to his speech, I suppose. If there is any
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disprove some things which happened in the sannidhi of Periyava. Send
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Periyava came to the Sri Matam at the age of 13. Periyava knew 18 languages. Many vedic pundits came to Sri matam and taught various things about vedam, and other things to Periayva. Periyava is above mahan.The saints had many powers. They can read our mind, can also bring things under their control.
One day a great Tamil scholar Shri Jaganannathan Ki.Va.Ja came for darsan of Periayva. Periayva was discussing about things and also importance of tamil language. Sanskrit in the theva language and Sanskrit is used for performing various rituals and also used in puja. For Tamil the letter ழ ழ் occupy special place. When Periyava asked the specialities of Tamil language, Ki VA. Ja. was silent and he wanted Periayva to say a lot about Tamil language. Periayva told about the words அழகு . இந்த ழ வார்த்தை கேட்பதற்கு மிக ஆனந்தமாக இருக்கிறது.
தமிழ் ஏன் அழகான மொழி ?-நமது நண்பரிடம் எழுதியது.
”ழ / ழ்” என்பது தமிழுக்கே உரிய சிறப்பான எழுத்து. வேறு மொழிகளில் இந்த எழுத்து கிடையாது.
”ழ / ழ்” வரும் எந்த வார்த்தையும் அழகை/அழகாக இருக்கும். --- குழந்தை, குழல், அழகு, பழம், etc
அப்படியான எழுத்தான “ழ” வை ”தம்” மிடம் வைத்துள்ளதால், இந்த மொழிக்கு தமிழ் என்ற பெயர் வந்தது.
Periyava gave how the word Tamil would have come to the tamil scholar. Ki.Va.Ja. was happy to know all these things from Periayva and told Periayva that he will use it in his talks.
In another incident, Periayva was visiting Chennai airport. Engineers who were there were explaining various things about aircraft . Periayava also posed some questions to the engineers. The engineers who were with Periyava were surprised about the knowledge of Periyava. They wondered who would have taught all these things to Periayava. For mahans, they know many things.
In another incident, a wealthy family came for darsan of Periayva. There were 4 girls who had their hair cut like pop style and had all latest things on faces also. Periayva gave them some fruits and asked the girls to choose the fruits they wanted. After some, the girls were more attached with the Periayva. Periayva requested the girls whether they will listen to what he says. The girls accepted to hear what Periayva is going to say. The word Tamil – amma refers to ambal and the word appa refers to eswaran. Periyava told the girls to use Tamil while talking with their parents, sanyasis ,and family elders and they can talk in English in schools etc. Thus Periyava explained the importance of Tamil to the girls and the girls who spoke English later talked with Periyava in Tamil while getting uthiravau to leave the place.
Periyava came to the Sri Matam at the age of 13. Periyava knew 18 languages. Many vedic pundits came to Sri matam and taught various things about vedam, and other things to Periayva. Periyava is above mahan.The saints had many powers. They can read our mind, can also bring things under their control.
One day a great Tamil scholar Shri Jaganannathan Ki.Va.Ja came for darsan of Periayva. Periayva was discussing about things and also importance of tamil language. Sanskrit in the theva language and Sanskrit is used for performing various rituals and also used in puja. For Tamil the letter ழ ழ் occupy special place. When Periyava asked the specialities of Tamil language, Ki VA. Ja. was silent and he wanted Periayva to say a lot about Tamil language. Periayva told about the words அழகு . இந்த ழ வார்த்தை கேட்பதற்கு மிக ஆனந்தமாக இருக்கிறது.
தமிழ் ஏன் அழகான மொழி ?-நமது நண்பரிடம் எழுதியது.
”ழ / ழ்” என்பது தமிழுக்கே உரிய சிறப்பான எழுத்து. வேறு மொழிகளில் இந்த எழுத்து கிடையாது.
”ழ / ழ்” வரும் எந்த வார்த்தையும் அழகை/அழகாக இருக்கும். --- குழந்தை, குழல், அழகு, பழம், etc
அப்படியான எழுத்தான “ழ” வை ”தம்” மிடம் வைத்துள்ளதால், இந்த மொழிக்கு தமிழ் என்ற பெயர் வந்தது.
Periyava gave how the word Tamil would have come to the tamil scholar. Ki.Va.Ja. was happy to know all these things from Periayva and told Periayva that he will use it in his talks.
In another incident, Periayva was visiting Chennai airport. Engineers who were there were explaining various things about aircraft . Periayava also posed some questions to the engineers. The engineers who were with Periyava were surprised about the knowledge of Periyava. They wondered who would have taught all these things to Periayava. For mahans, they know many things.
In another incident, a wealthy family came for darsan of Periayva. There were 4 girls who had their hair cut like pop style and had all latest things on faces also. Periayva gave them some fruits and asked the girls to choose the fruits they wanted. After some, the girls were more attached with the Periayva. Periayva requested the girls whether they will listen to what he says. The girls accepted to hear what Periayva is going to say. The word Tamil – amma refers to ambal and the word appa refers to eswaran. Periyava told the girls to use Tamil while talking with their parents, sanyasis ,and family elders and they can talk in English in schools etc. Thus Periyava explained the importance of Tamil to the girls and the girls who spoke English later talked with Periyava in Tamil while getting uthiravau to leave the place.
- Ramasamy Jayaraman http://youtu.be/RLil1LoUL4Ywww.youtube.comPeriyava and tamil knowledge, Periyava advised girls to change to tamil tongue while talking with parents and mahaans
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